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Goals: Healthier Family


Focus: Education

Household Lifestyle

Taking care of yourself to take care of your family is our optimal goal.

Overall Health Analysis and Plan, Food Intervention, Consultation of Goals and Overall Health Concerns, Setting One's Mindset, Connecting Emotions to Food Choices, Anthropometric Measurements and Energy Needs, Individualized Meal Plan, Detox and Elimination Program with specific needs to Intolerances, Farm Fresh Meal Planning Guidance, Organic Gourmet Pre-made meals, Organic Produce Boxes for delivery, Nutritional Plans developed for your families needs, Web Data base tracking guides, Genetic testing for lifestyle and nutrition, Supplemental Education, Food Shopping, Workout Routines, Relaxing meditation tactics, Cooking lesson, medical doctor pair up intervention, fun gifts.


COST:- $$ (12 weeks- 1 month maintenance 5th and 6th month checkin - 6 month Program /12 sessions total )

Book a FREE 20 minute consultation


Goals: Performance       


Focus: Strategy

Teen Program

Get your teen on a nutritional platform to chang their performance drastically.

Full Assessment of Athletes Habits (dietary and physical activity),Sports specific movement, Intervention with Parents, Setting ones mindset, Discuss Energy Needs and macronutrients, pre/post workout nutrition, in/ off season nutrition, DRI- vitamins and minerals,connecting emotions and energy to food choices, meal plans, web- data base tracking system, Body fat percentage, genetic testing for individualized performance,We will be discussing the 8 point of Proper Fueling! 


COST: $$ (3 months hands on, 3 months maintenance 1 year check-in and friends for life. 16 sessions total)

Book a FREE 20 minute consultation


Goals: Individual Data


Focus: Awareness

Club Program and Metabolic Testing


This program will educate all athletes and parents on healthy eating tactics.

Testing → Nutrition → Performance BOOST         

This metabolic data analysis program will take you one step forward to achieving your health fitness and performance goals, and boost motivation and energy pre-game and during the game. Creating Goals and discussing a strategy of how we are going to get the results you deserve after testing.

YOU will be reaching the highest forms of optimal performance so we are fully in the game. Setting the athletes up to advance in strength for high school and college.

Book a 15-minute data review

for your athlete.

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Goals: Education


Focus: Performance 

Nutrition Initiative Movement


Our school nutrition program provides students with the necessary information and resources to persevere in the physical world.

Book a FREE 20 minute consultation

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Goals: Education


Focus: Sugar

"Let's Talk Sugar!" Program


Strategize ways to curb your sugar intake with our "Let's Talk Sugar" Program.

Book a FREE 20 minute consultation


Goals: Realistic


Focus: Individuality

Genetic Analysis


How Genetic Testing Can Improve Your Health. Genetic testing has moved into the mainstream and is now the future of preventive health. In addition to the thousands of tests being offered for medical conditions and diseases, the science and research behind genetic testing for lifestyle and wellness improvement has progressed dramatically. The science can now help identify the specific genes that dictate how the human body utilizes protein, how types of exercise and training affect the body, and how the body's unique metabolic and physiologic functions influence athletic performance. Programs tailored to an individual's DNA have proven to be much more effective than one-size-fits-all programs because they take the guesswork out of health management. 

Book a FREE 20 minute consultation


Goals: Boost Energy 


Focus: Detoxification

Dive in Detox

Do the ultimate cleanse

Toxins enter our bodies every day through the foods we consume as well as the air we breathe. We bring these toxins into homes without knowing or understanding the harm it can do to our bodies. If you were to take a closer look inside your bodies, you would find various particles and chemicals, such as pesticides, metal residues, and plastic particles and all other residues of modern life in your bodies.  Even mold and fungus are huge toxic factors that are affecting our bodies and mind. Toxins cause health problems in your body. For example, if you are feeling out of sorts, suffer from various skin problems and have aches and pains and digestive disorders, it is time you considered detoxing your body. Detoxing is an excellent method of cleaning and nourishing your body and mind from inside out. The process of detoxification aims at removing and eliminating toxins and free radicals from your body. This, in turn, helps healthy nutrients enter your body and boost your immunity helping you to establish your highest level of human potential.

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