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Minerals: Food For Life

Minerals: Food for Life

Ever think what truly runs our body?  With all the information that passes our way on the web, books and research, the most sensible facts to gather would be mineral intake.  This thought often goes to the waste side because many are primarily concerned with the “Macros” that they are consuming. Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats  are a huge part of nutrition. However Minerals are substantial for life.

Since the early ‘80s, more and more people are hitting the gyms and participating in community involved athletic events.

Studies show that exercise is in fact the best medicine for helping prevent major chronic diseases, such as mental disorders, neurological disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers, heart disease and more.

I want to focus on ACTUAL HEALTH and LONGEVITY feeding the ATHLETIC FAMILY.

Fueling our bodies adequately when being physically active is vitally important for proper cellular and physiological functioning, which help keep us strong and healthy.

Without careful consideration of taking in sufficient micronutrients, you can be setting your body (or your child’s) up for failure.

For peak performance and fitness, training needs to be paired with proper nutrition.  We are training harder and demanding more from our bodies, but lacking balanced and timely meals for proper biochemical responses. Minerals play a leading role here. A well-balanced diet and proper supplementation is the key to getting enough minerals.

There are approximately 21 plus  minerals that are essential for life. The top 5 directly linked to athletic health are calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorous and magnesium.

Calcium and iron are frequently lacking in diets of teen athletes and individuals who engage in a vigorous workout routine. Calcium is a mineral stored in the bone. It builds a strong skeletal system for high impact physical activity. High intensity physical activity uses up calcium stores; it is crucial they be replenished to avoid bone loss and weak bone density. Milk, yogurt, leafy greens, and beans are all good sources of calcium.

Iron helps red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to muscle tissue. Iron loss results in iron-deficient anemia. This will eventually decrease endurance levels and cause fatigue. Good sources of iron are eggs, spinach, soybeans, beets and artichokes.

Potassium is an electrolyte that works in conjunction with sodium to balance water content within cells throughout the body. It helps stabilize our bodies after a strenuous workout. Sodium and potassium play a huge role in muscle contraction.  These important minerals are responsible for proper nerve function and adequate muscle contraction. Loss of either mineral will be evident by muscle twitching or muscle weakness. Sweet potatoes, bananas, and avocados are all excellent sources of potassium.

Magnesium is a vital mineral and my personal favorite. It controls over 300 reactions within our physiological systems, including the regulation of both energy and calcium metabolism, as well as neurological activity responsible for firing muscle contractions. Muscles rely on magnesium to relax after a contraction. It is beneficial to eat a good source of magnesium, such as almonds, prior to training because much is lost when one sweats. Leafy greens, halibut, quinoa are also good sources of magnesium.

Macro and trace minerals are essential for a wide variety of metabolic and physiologic processes in the human body. Muscle contraction, neurological responses, oxygen transport, enzyme activation, immune functions, antioxidant activity, bone health, and effects on cardiac health are just some of these essential physiologic roles.

Being a well nourished athlete or fitness enthusiast may increase performance if you supplement with minerals.

However mineral or vitamin deficiency may impair optimal health, and one’s health impairment may affect sport performance.  

Staying healthy, recovering faster and having the optimism to succeed into your next days training is clearly what we should all be striving for.   Not just for performance, for optimal health. The research shows us that the minerals found in whole foods and natural sources is what keeps our strength and vitality high.

Do you know how to get these minerals in on a daily basis? Trying to find all the proper minerals and micronutrients needed to fuel you and your athletic family can be costly, time consuming, and overall inefficient. That is why I was so happy when I was introduced to Cell Nutrition, a company based out of Europe that specializes in 100% NATURAL CELLULAR NUTRITION in convenient ampules. 100% natural, Cell Nutrition contains the perfect proportions of 78 minerals that are needed for proper hydration. Especially, now that it is summer- you and your family full of young athletes need to properly hydrated for easy recovery. I would love for you guys to try out Cell Nutrition on or off the field and tell me what you guys think!

To check out Cell Nutrition, click here:

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