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Insider Scoop on Soccerex!

Updated: Dec 26, 2018

So you want to know what happened at Soccerex… here is my take!!!

The Soccerex International Convention is one that ignites a power from industry leaders for football/ soccer business in many different forms and countries. Tech has been apparently a booming industry and this runs nothing short in the soccer industry. Apps developing players games scores, insight, trades, and medical info. I find it fascinating that you will be able to take a player with all past info via application uploads. Making transfer deals quite desirable.

Soccer expansion and training facilities for cognitive training are a developing practice across the U.S.. This is becoming huge. We are opening a new avenue of training that has been developing for years and starting to hit a variety of sports markets. Cognitive performance training is now just as important as conditioning and strength training has been over the past 15 years. But is Soccer last to hop on board? Football players have been involved with this training due to the fact of high concussion rates. Studies show the results are pretty significant for improving coordination, concentration, anxiety, anger control to list a few. Will the soccer industry embrace the need for cognitive training skills.

The Sports industry is one to say empowering and entertaining to many. As an outsider looking in, routing for the big win. But how many fans really know what goes on behind the scene in any sport. The training, discipline, focus, mental sharpness, emotional wellness and the list goes on. The mindset of an Athlete is, must perform to win. So being on all of the time is hard work especially if your personality type was not built on such structure.

The football/soccer industry is the leading fan based worldwide encompassing 4 times more fan based dollars then any other sport. With that said big business evolves here and worldwide. Regulations on clubs, who’s funding who, what sponsorship programs are making there ways to the table, and what happens in different countries with funding. Interesting stuff to see the international collaboration.

In my industry going to an event such as this was quite overwhelming. I love business, networking putting deals together and watching programs grow. But what I love more is wellness of the human body. I love empowering individuals especially athletes to fuel their bodies right. Give themselves the nutrients they need to perform at optimum levels. It was such a proud moment to be in a stadium with business conglomerates but in the zone of wellness.

Big business and the sports industry sometimes puts wellness to the side of the individuals playing the game. Nutrition Education, body awareness, minerals and vitamins are critical for Athletes. There needs to be more business on educating athletes to take care of their bodies.

We are getting there one step at a time. Anna Pereira, Founder and Shari Alyse, Co Founder of The Wellness Universe took the leap of faith bringing wellness to Soccerex. The Wellness Universe is a public and virtual forum/ platform that allows wellness practitioners to share advice and services with industries, corporations and individuals educating on taking care of oneself emotionally, physically, environmentally, intellectually, occupationally, socially, and spiritually. I am and was honored to be there with the Wellness ambassadors because I feel that Athletes need wellness more then anyone. The stress on both their bodies and minds is something that needs constant nourishment. I think we are at the forefront of embracing this concept bringing wellness to the Sports arena. My hopes is that both Anna and Shari bring this platform to every sports industry because that’s how crucial it is for Athletes to perform at optimal levels. This event was done right! My thoughts are more collaboration with everyone involved with wellness could only make this a larger success for years to come. The Wellness Zone and Universe does not stand alone. We are only as strong as our founders, partners and friends sticking together to build such a desire in this industry. There is an overwhelming amount of business to be had with education and services and it is only growing.

Totem Sports took the panel on stage educating the soccer industry that minerals need minerals to properly work within our bodies. “There are many isotonic products out there that will claim to be beneficial to the user, but none of them can claim to restore full hydration based on a purely scientific matrix, at a cellular level. The hypertonic drink supplement is the only sports product of its kind to boast 100% natural ingredients.“Totum Sport improves performance by restoring cellular hydration in athletes, preventing the onset of cramps, delaying fatigue and improving concentration through measured hydration,” explained Kelleher, who announced at Soccerex Miami, the launch of this product in the US January 2019. CEO John Kelleher states, his strong desire to “entirely disrupt” the multibillion dollar industry of sports performance supplements in the US. In my view alone there is tons of garbage on the shelves right now feeding Athletes. Simply because they are uneducated to what they really need. I am so excited for this move with Totum Sport and I hope together I can assist in helping them turn the athletic supplement industry around. First hand I can say, given this to myself and specific high endurance athletes I work with we have seen dramatic results and positive change in performance.

My takeaway is having an the opportunity to network in an event like this is life changing for your business. The people that you come in contact with are those who can help make a difference. I love Soccerex and all involved, great event… get involved.





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